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Trim Title:#13 Old Gold

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Layer1:Prairie View A&M University

Layer2:B.S. Chemical Engineering

Layer3:Bioengineering Concentration

Layer4:Supply Chain Management Minor

Layer5:Katelynn Richelle Inman

Layer6:Purple Jackets


Layer8:purple jacket flower.jpg

Layer9:2020-2022 NESBE 2017-2022 AiChE 2019-2021

Layer10:Dean’s List 2018-2019 Honor Roll 2017-2018 2020-2022

Layer11:Class of 2022

Layer12:God is within her she will not fail Psalms 46:5



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Text:Dean’s List 2018-2019 Honor Roll 2017-2018 2020-2022
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Text:Class of 2022
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Text:God is within her she will not fail Psalms 46:5
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