

Sash Color:#9 Pink

Sash Color Code:#f4b1c4

Trim Color:#8 Hot Pink

Trim Color Code:#d34191

Tip Name:Solid White

Layer1:B.A. Psychology

Layer2:Minor Legal Studies

Layer3:Minor Public Health

Layer4:2x Dean’s Scholar

Layer5:CMAA Medical Assistant


Layer7:“Do everything for the Glory of God.”

Layer8:Class of 2026


Layer10:Congressional Law Intern

Layer11:Solid White

Layer12:Ecclesiastes 3:13

SKU: HYBRID-TIP-04397 Category:


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   Custom Logo Background Removal? :
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Text:Minor Legal Studies
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
Element Type:Text
Text:Minor Public Health
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
Element Type:Text
Text:2x Dean’s Scholar
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
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Text:CMAA Medical Assistant
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
Element Type:Text
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
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Text:”Do everything for the Glory of God.”
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Text:Class of 2026
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
Element Type:Logo
Thread Color:#F1F3FF
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Text:Congressional Law Intern
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Thread Color:#8 Hot Pink #d34191
Element Type:Text
Text:Ecclesiastes 3:13
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Tip:Solid White