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Custom Logo Background Removal? :No


Layer2:Human Developmental Sciences w/ Spec Diversity & Equity

Layer3:Class of 2023

Layer4:Syann Celiene Martinez

Layer5:BRC Student Success Intern 2020-2021

Layer6: Rady Children’s Hospital

Layer7:Student Research Intern 2023

Layer8:Provost Honors 2023

Layer9:UCSD Seal – 2



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Text:Class of 2023
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Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
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Text:Syann Celiene Martinez
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Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
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Text:BRC Student Success Intern 2020-2021
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Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
Element Type:Text
Text: Rady Children’s Hospital
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
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Text:Student Research Intern 2023
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Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
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Text:Provost Honors 2023
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Logo:UCSD Seal – 2
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