

Sash Color:#1 Black

Sash Color Code:#181818

Trim Color:#7 Red

Trim Color Code:#b50009

Custom Logo Background Removal? :No

Layer1:ITM arrowhead white.png

Layer2:Palo Alto College

Layer3:Associate of Science

Layer4:Tom Moore High School

SKU: HYBRID-TIP-00142 Category:


Stole Type:Satin Stole
   Body Color:#1 Black  #181818
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   Custom Logo Background Removal? :No
Element Type:File
Logo:ITM arrowhead white.png
Element Type:Text
Text:Palo Alto College
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#7 Red #b50009
Element Type:Text
Text:Associate of Science
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#7 Red #b50009
Element Type:Text
Text:Tom Moore High School
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#4 White #F1F3FF
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Tip:Solid White