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Sash Color Code:#D6DADA

Trim Color:#7 Red

Trim Color Code:#b50009

Custom Logo Background Removal? :No

Layer1: Austin Peay State

Layer2:Class of 2024

Layer3:Public Health

Layer4:B.S. HHP

Layer5:Health Social Justice Minor

Layer6:Teiya Byles

Layer7:ESG President 23′-24′

Layer8:Health Promotion Committee

Layer9:AOD Committee

Layer10:Tri Alpha Honor Society


Layer12:Magna Cum Laude

Layer13:Psalm 23



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Text:Health Social Justice Minor
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Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
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Text:Teiya Byles
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Thread Color:#7 Red #b50009
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Text:ESG President 23′-24′
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Text:Health Promotion Committee
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Text:AOD Committee
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Text:Tri Alpha Honor Society
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Text:Magna Cum Laude
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Text:Psalm 23
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