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Custom Logo Background Removal? :No

Layer1:Our vision is a new generation of young leaders equipped, empowered, and energized to reach their full potential and contribute to a better world.

Layer2:Our mission is to ignite the spark in a new generation of courageous and capable leaders through a student driven community of DEI+B in the Montessori tradition.


Layer4:FOUNDER Oneness Family International Peace Academy

Layer5:image (1).png

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Text:Our vision is a new generation of young leaders equipped, empowered, and energized to reach their full potential and contribute to a better world.
Font:Times New Roman
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Element Type:Text
Text:Our mission is to ignite the spark in a new generation of courageous and capable leaders through a student driven community of DEI+B in the Montessori tradition.
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Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
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Text:FOUNDER Oneness Family International Peace Academy
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