

Stole Color:#22 Purple

Trim Color:#fad014

Trim Title:#12 Yellow Gold

Sash Color Code:#401157

Layer1:M S M U

Layer2:Class of 2022

Layer3:N U R S I N G

Layer4:RN Caduceus



Stole Type:Satin Stole
   Body Color:#22 Purple  #401157
   Trim Color:#12 Yellow Gold  #fad014
Element Type:Text
Text:M S M U
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#12 Yellow Gold #fad014
Element Type:Text
Text:Class of 2022
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:Grey #fad014
Element Type:Text
Text:N U R S I N G
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:Grey #fad014
Element Type:Logo
Logo:RN Caduceus
Thread Color:#fad014