

Stole Color:#7 Red

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Trim Title:#19 Royal Blue

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Layer1:Lonestar logo.jpg

Layer2:Associate of Science- Computer Science

Layer3:Class of 2022

Layer4:Brooke Spurlock

Layer5:Behind every child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed first I Love You, Mom & Dad

Layer6:“There’s no better friend than a sister” Love you to the moon and back” Brandi

Layer7:I Love You, Grandma



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Text:Associate of Science- Computer Science
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Text:Class of 2022
Font:Times New Roman
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Element Type:Text
Text:Brooke Spurlock
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #233aae
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Text:Behind every child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed first I Love You, Mom & Dad
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#19 Royal Blue #233aae
Element Type:Text
Text:”There’s no better friend than a sister” Love you to the moon and back” Brandi
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #233aae
Element Type:Text
Text:I Love You, Grandma
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #233aae