

Stole Color:#23 Lavender

Trim Color:#F1F3FF

Trim Title:#4 White

sash Color Code:#b397c7

Layer1:Class of 2022

Layer2:I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept

Layer3:Salem State University Social Work

Layer4:I’ll meet you at the beach



Stole Type:Satin Stole
   Body Color:#23 Lavender  #b397c7
   Trim Color:#4 White  #F1F3FF
Element Type:Text
Text:Class of 2022
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #F1F3FF
Element Type:Text
Text:I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #F1F3FF
Element Type:Text
Text:Salem State University Social Work
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #F1F3FF
Element Type:Text
Text:I’ll meet you at the beach
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #F1F3FF