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Layer1:Belinda Kesselly

Layer2:Health Behavior Science

Layer3:Public Health & Biology

Layer4:Class of 2022

Layer5:2020-2021 DASA President

Layer6:Sisters on the Move

Layer7:STAR Ambassador for the College of Health Science

Layer8:Minority Association of Pre-Medical Sutdents

Layer9:Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Lambda Gamma Chapter



Layer12:Caduceus 1



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Text:Public Health & Biology
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Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
Element Type:Text
Text:Class of 2022
Font:Script MT
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Text:2020-2021 DASA President
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Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
Element Type:Text
Text:Sisters on the Move
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
Element Type:Text
Text:STAR Ambassador for the College of Health Science
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#1 Black #181818
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Text:Minority Association of Pre-Medical Sutdents
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Text:Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Lambda Gamma Chapter
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