

Stole Color:#19 Royal Blue

Trim Color:#16134c

Trim Title:#20 Navy

sash Color Code:#233aae

Layer1:United States

Layer2:MSgt Rex Gillespie

Layer3: Integrity 1st Service before Self Excellece in all we do

Layer4:Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

Layer5:Qualitas Certitudine

Layer6:US Air Force Air National Guard 130th EIS Once a Wizard always a Wizard

Layer7:In memory of our God our Religion, Freedom, Peace, Wives, and Children

Layer8:109th ACS 1985-2002 130th EIS 2005-2022

Layer9:Im an American Airman Im a Warrior I have Answered my Nations call Guardian for Justice The Sword, Shield, and Sentry I will defend All these with My Life

Layer10:Commrad, Wingman, Friend, and above all, My Brother



Stole Type:Satin Stole
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   Trim Color:#20 Navy  #16134c
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Flag:United States
Element Type:Text
Text:MSgt Rex Gillespie
Font:Times New Roman
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Text: Integrity 1st Service before Self Excellece in all we do
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
Font:Script MT
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:Qualitas Certitudine
Font:Script MT
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:US Air Force Air National Guard 130th EIS Once a Wizard always a Wizard
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:In memory of our God our Religion, Freedom, Peace, Wives, and Children
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:109th ACS 1985-2002 130th EIS 2005-2022
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:Im an American Airman Im a Warrior I have Answered my Nations call Guardian for Justice The Sword, Shield, and Sentry I will defend All these with My Life
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA
Element Type:Text
Text:Commrad, Wingman, Friend, and above all, My Brother
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #D6DADA