

Stole Color:#4 White

Trim Color:#b50009

Trim Title:#7 Red

sash Color Code:#F1F3FF

Layer1:Iota Mu Spr 19 4 Klub The Gauntlet Kavalier

Layer2:Κ A Ψ

Layer3:University of Dayton C/O 2022

Layer4:B.S. Finance

Layer5:Lone wolf



Stole Type:Satin Stole
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   Trim Color:#7 Red  #b50009
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Text:Iota Mu Spr 19 4 Klub The Gauntlet Kavalier
Font:Times New Roman
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Letters:Κ A Ψ
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:#b50009
Element Type:Text
Text:University of Dayton C/O 2022
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #b50009
Element Type:Text
Text:B.S. Finance
Font:Times New Roman
Thread Color:White #b50009
Element Type:Text
Text:Lone wolf
Font:Edwardian Script
Thread Color:white #b50009